
2023-12-21 来源:飞速影视


The humor in the film is not only evident in the plot but also in its satire and reflection on Asian culture. 电影的幽默不仅体现在剧情设置上,还在于对亚裔文化的讽刺与反思。
Through Anni"s performance on a TV show and the scene where she takes drugs to answer questions, the movie mocks society"s misunderstandings and inherent impressions of Asian culture. 通过安妮在电视节目中的表现,以及她嗑药上台答题的一幕,影片调侃了社会对亚裔文化的误解和固有印象。


This humor not only brings tears of laughter but also sparks contemplation on cultural identity and social biases. 这种幽默不仅让观众笑中带泪,更引发了对于文化认同和社会偏见的深思。
Through the growth process of the two female protagonists, the film poses a profound question: "Who am I?" 电影通过两位女主角的成长过程,提出了一个深刻的问题:“我是谁?”

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