
2023-12-21 来源:飞速影视


This marginalization stems not only from the minority status of the Asian community but is also evident in stereotypical impressions of appearance and behavior, such as Jennie being mistaken for a "female driver." 这种边缘化不仅来自亚裔族群的少数地位,还体现在对外貌和行为的刻板印象中,如珍妮被误认为“女司机”。
The film also humorously depicts the challenges faced by the two women in their families. 电影还以喜剧的形式娓娓道来了两位女性在家庭中的困境。


The mother"s gambling issues and the sister"s whimsical behavior create financial and emotional troubles for Yan Anni. 母亲的赌博问题和姐姐的任性行为让阎安妮陷入了财务和情感的困扰。
The desperate suggestion of selling eggs to pay off debts, made by her sister, exposes the unfair treatment of women in society amidst laughter. 姐姐甚至建议她卖卵子来还债,这种无奈的提议让观众在笑声中感受到社会对于女性的不公平对待。

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