
2023-12-21 来源:飞速影视
The tour marks the 50th anniversary of their first visit in the 1970s, celebrating the unique friendship between China and the United States.此次中国巡演是为纪念费交友好访华50周年。
Over the years, the orchestra has forged connections across China, with concerts and residencies that facilitate meaningful people-to-people interactions.多年来,费城交响乐团在中国各地交流,举办音乐会和演出,促进了意义深远的人文交流。
Booth said the 1973 tour was his first international trip with the orchestra, led by conductor Eugene Ormandy, who was a close friend of then-US president Richard Nixon.布斯说,1973年的巡演是他第一次随费城交响乐团进行国际巡演,此行由时任美国总统理查德·尼克松的密友、指挥家尤金·奥曼迪带队。
“President Nixon had been to China the year before, so that was the beginning of our relationship with China. They wanted not only a musical bridge but also a cultural exchange. Nixon wanted to bring the Philadelphia Orchestra,” he said.他说:“1972年尼克松总统访华,那是中美关系的破冰之旅。他们不仅希望架起一座音乐桥梁,还希望促进文化交流。尼克松总统希望和费城交响乐团一起访华。”
Booth considered himself lucky to have been part of the tour. He had just auditioned and got accepted into the orchestra that year. His official start date was scheduled after the orchestra’s return from China, but Booth received a call from the personnel manager informing him that someone had fallen ill. He then took the place and went to China.能参加这次中国行,布斯感到很幸运。

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