2024-07-04 来源:飞速影视
2024年4月3日外交部发言人汪文斌主持例行记者会Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Wang Wenbin’s Regular Press Conference on April 3, 2024
应中国政府邀请,泰王国玛哈扎克里·诗琳通公主殿下将于4月4日至10日访问中国。除北京外,诗琳通公主还将访问四川。 At the invitation of the Chinese government, Her Royal Highness Princess Maha Chakri Sirindhorn of the Kingdom of Thailand will visit China from April 4 to 10. Aside from Beijing, HRH Princess Sirindhorn will also visit Sichuan.
凤凰卫视记者:中方对于美国财长耶伦即将访华有何期待?双方将会讨论哪些具体议题? Phoenix TV: What is China’s expectation for US Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen’s upcoming visit to China? What topics will the two sides discuss?
汪文斌:在中美元首重要共识精神引领下,经中美双方商定,美国财政部长耶伦将于2024年4月4日至9日访问中国。你提到的具体问题,建议你向中方主管部门了解。我们要告诉大家的是,中美经济关系根植于两国共同利益,本质是互利共赢。希望美方同中方相向而行,妥处分歧、凝聚共识、深化合作,推动中美经济关系稳定向前发展。 Wang Wenbin: In the spirit of the important common understandings between the Chinese and US presidents and as agreed between the two sides, US Secretary of the Treasury Janet Yellen will visit China from April 4 to 9. For your specific question, I’d refer you to competent Chinese authorities. Let me say that China-US economic ties are rooted in the common interests of the two countries and are mutually beneficial in nature. We hope that the US will work with China in the same direction, properly handle differences, build up consensus and deepen cooperation for the steady growth of China-US economic ties.
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