
2024-07-04 来源:飞速影视
习近平主席强调,战略认知问题始终是中美关系必须扣好的“第一粒纽扣”。中美这样两个大国,不能不来往、不打交道,更不能冲突对抗,应该相互尊重、和平共处、合作共赢,继续沿着稳定、健康、可持续的道路向前走,而不应该走回头路。 President Xi Jinping stressed that the issue of strategic perception is always fundamental to the China-US relationship, just like the first button of a shirt that must be put right. Two big countries like China and the United States should not cut off their ties or turn their back on each other, still less slide into conflict or confrontation. The two countries should respect each other, coexist in peace and pursue win-win cooperation. The relationship should continue moving forward in a stable, sound and sustainable way, rather than going backward.
习近平主席指出,今年的中美关系要坚持几条大的原则。一是以和为贵,坚守不冲突不对抗的底线,不断提升对中美关系的正面预期。二是以稳为重,不折腾、不挑事、不越界,保持中美关系总体稳定。三是以信为本,用行动兑现各自承诺,将“旧金山愿景”转为“实景”。双方要以相互尊重的方式加强对话,以慎重的态度管控分歧,以互惠的精神推进合作,以负责的担当加强国际协调。 President Xi Jinping underlined three overarching principles that should guide China-US relations in 2024. First, peace must be valued. The two sides should put a floor of no conflict and no confrontation under the relationship, and keep reinforcing the positive outlook of the relationship. Second, stability must be prioritized. The two sides should refrain from setting the relationship back, provoking incidents or crossing the line, so as to maintain the overall stability of the relationship. Third, credibility must be upheld. The two sides should honor their commitments to each other with action, and turn the San Francisco vision into reality. They need to strengthen dialogue in a mutually respectful way, manage differences prudently, advance cooperation in the spirit of mutual benefit, and step up coordination on international affairs in a responsible way.

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