
2024-07-04 来源:飞速影视
习近平主席阐述了中方在涉港、人权、南海等问题上的立场。 President Xi Jinping stated China’s position on Hong Kong-related issues, human rights, the South China Sea, and other issues.
拜登总统表示,美中关系是世界上影响最深远的双边关系。旧金山会晤以来美中关系取得的进展表明,双方可以积极推进合作,同时负责地管理分歧。拜登总统重申,美方不寻求进行“新冷战”,不寻求改变中国体制,不寻求通过强化同盟关系反对中国,不支持“台独”,无意同中国发生冲突。美方奉行一个中国政策。中国发展有利于世界,美国不寻求遏制中国发展,不寻求同中国“脱钩”。愿安排耶伦财长、布林肯国务卿近期访华,同中方加强对话沟通,避免误判,推进合作,推动两国关系稳定发展,共同应对全球性挑战。 President Joe Biden noted that the US-China relationship is the most consequential relationship in the world. The progress in the relationship since the San Francisco meeting demonstrates that the two sides can advance cooperation while responsibly managing differences. President Biden reiterated that the United States does not seek a new Cold War, its objective is not to change China’s system, its alliances are not targeted against China, the US does not support “Taiwan independence,” and the US does not seek conflict with China. The US follows the one-China policy. It is in the interest of the world for China to succeed. The US does not want to curtail China’s development, and does not seek “decoupling” from China. The US will send Secretary of the Treasury Janet Yellen and Secretary of State Antony Blinken to visit China shortly to strengthen dialogue and communication, avoid miscalculation and promote cooperation, so as to advance the relationship on a stable path and jointly respond to global challenges.

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