
2024-07-04 来源:飞速影视
你关心中方在中美经贸关系问题上的立场,我们多次指出,近年来,中国电动汽车、锂电池、光伏产品等产品出口增多,这是国际分工和市场需求的结果,有利于推动世界绿色发展。美方担心的究竟是不是“产能过剩”,大家都看得很明白。至于谁在搞非市场操作,事实就摆在这儿。美国针对中国的经贸科技打压措施层出不穷,不是在“去风险”,而是在制造风险,是典型的非市场行为。中方的相关立场大家都很清楚。我们将坚定维护自身正当合法权益,坚定维护多边贸易体制。 You asked about China’s position on China-US economic ties. We have repeatedly pointed out that in recent years, China’s exports of electric vehicles, lithium batteries and photovoltaic products have increased. This is a result of international division of labor and market demand and has contributed to the green development of the world. It is quite clear to all whether it is “excess production capacity” that the US is truly concerned about. As for who is engaged in non-market practices, the fact is there for all to see. The US side has adopted a string of measures to suppress China’s trade and technology development. This is not “de-risking,” but creating risks. These are typical non-market practices. I believe people are quite familiar with China’s position on this. We will firmly safeguard our legitimate and lawful rights and interests and uphold the multilateral trade system.

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