
2024-07-04 来源:飞速影视
两国元首还就乌克兰危机、朝鲜半岛局势等交换了意见。 The two presidents also exchanged views on the Ukraine crisis, the situation on the Korean Peninsula, and other issues.
两国元首认为,这次通话是坦诚、建设性的。双方同意继续保持沟通,责成双方工作团队落实好“旧金山愿景”,推进外交、经济、金融、商务等领域磋商机制以及两军沟通,在禁毒、人工智能、应对气候变化等领域开展对话合作,采取进一步措施扩大两国人文交流,就国际和地区问题加强沟通。中方欢迎耶伦财长、布林肯国务卿近期访华。 The two presidents found the phone call to be candid and constructive. The two sides agreed to stay in communication, and tasked their teams to deliver on the San Francisco vision, including advancing the consultation mechanisms on diplomatic, economic, financial, commercial and other issues as well as mil-to-mil communication, carrying out dialogue and cooperation in such areas as counternarcotics, artificial intelligence and climate response, taking further steps to expand people-to-people exchanges, and enhancing communication on international and regional issues. The Chinese side welcomed visits to China by Secretary of the Treasury Janet Yellen and Secretary of State Antony Blinken in the near future.

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