
2023-04-22 来源:飞速影视
hang out here:呆在这儿。朋友之间相处,象FRIENDS他们一起喝咖啡,在MON家聊天之类的,都是hang out。像这样的词组就是所谓的:外国人不认为是俚语的俚语,它们非常通俗,老外每天都在说,而我们在字典上却查不到确切含义。因此,看FRIENDS是很有帮助的。
it" been kinda a long day:完成时态,因为RACH又逃婚,有被老爸骂,这一天过得很痛苦,所以也就很漫长
Ross:Okay, sure.
Joey:Hey Pheebs, you wanna help?
Phoebe:Oh, I wish I could, but I don"t want to.
Commercial Break
[Scene: Ross"s Apartment, the guys are there assembling furniture.]
Ross:(squatting and reading the instructions) I"m supposed to attach a brackety thing to the side things, using a bunch of these little worm guys. I have no brackety thing, I see no whom guys whatsoever and- I cannot feel my legs腿麻掉了.
squat v.a.蹲坐b.非法占用/brackety n.托架/ bracket thin是组装家具的支架之类的东西/a bunch of 一窜,一束/worm n. 蜗杆是一种类似起锚器或绞盘的东西,用于把比较重的物品提起来 /worm guy指代螺丝钉,因为螺丝钉上的纹路与worm很相似/whatsoever pron.无论什么/I’m supposed to attach a bracketything to the side things, using a bunchof these little worm guys:brackety means an L-shaped support projecting(adj.突出的) from a wall (as to hold a shelf); side means an extended outer surface of an object; worm means screw thread螺纹 on a gear with(v.一致) the teeth of a worm wheel(n.蜗轮) or rack(n.架); while, a bunchof means a group of

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