2023-04-24 来源:飞速影视
To test that theory, Gackenbach conducted a 2008 study with 35 males and 63 females, and used independent assessments that coded threat levels in after-dream reports. She found that gamers experienced less or even reversed threat simulation (in which the dreamer became the threatening presence), with fewer aggression dreams overall.
In other words, a scary nightmare scenario turned into something "fun" for a gamer.
"What happens with gamers is that something inexplicable happens," Gackenbach explained. "They don"t run away, they turn and fight back. They"re more aggressive than the norms."
Levels of aggression in gamer dreams also included hyper-violence not unlike that of an R-rated movie, as opposed to a non-gamer PG-13 dream.
玩家梦里的侵略水平也包括与R级电影(译注:美国电影分级R级:限制级,17岁以下必须由父母或者监护陪伴才能观看。该级别的影片包含成人内容,里面有较多的性爱、暴力、吸毒等场面和脏话。)里的不同高暴力,也与非游戏玩家的PG-13(译注:美国电影分级PG-13 级:特别辅导级,13岁以下儿童尤其要有父母陪同观看,一些内容对儿童很不适宜——粗口、毒品及部分性内容)梦不同。
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