
2023-04-25 来源:飞速影视
关于中方同阿富汗等第三方讨论延伸中巴经济走廊的问题,我可以告诉你的是,中巴阿三方一直通过外交等渠道保持沟通。我们也注意到,阿富汗通过瓜达尔港、卡拉奇港等地进出口相关货物。中巴阿三方也在探讨将巴基斯坦境内的公路和高速公路向阿富汗境内延伸相关问题。 Zhao Lijian: As for China"s discussions with Afghanistan and other third parties on extending the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor, I can tell you that China, Pakistan and Afghanistan have been in communication through diplomatic and other channels. We have also noted that Afghanistan imports and exports relevant goods through Gwadar and Karachi ports. The three parties are discussing the extension of the highway and expressway in Pakistan to Afghanistan.
至于中巴经济走廊是否涉及克什米尔问题,中方已多次表明,中巴经济走廊是经济合作倡议,不针对第三方,与领土主权争议无关,不影响中方在克什米尔问题上的原则立场。 As for whether the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor involves the Kashmir issue, China has made it clear on many occasions that the CPEC is an economic cooperation initiative, which is not targeted at any third party, has nothing to do with disputes over territorial sovereignty, and will not affect China"s principled position on the Kashmir issue.

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