
2023-04-25 来源:飞速影视
It is dangerous to seek the so-called solidarity of a few at the cost of a divided world. The world does not need a “G1” dictating the other countries, nor does the world need a “coalition of shared values” . What the world needs is mutual respect despite difference in ideology, values and development level, solidarity and joint efforts in line with the UN Charter and international law, and common endeavor to build a global community with a shared future.
Let me also say that both sides of the Taiwan Strait belong to one and the same China. Taiwan is part of China’s territory. China’s sovereignty and territorial integrity has never been divided. This is the real status quo in the Taiwan Strait. For those who say that they follow the one-China policy and yet frame China’s opposition to “Taiwan independence” as “changing the status quo”, they are in effect encouraging separatist provocation, hindering China’s reunification and making for a peaceful secession. This is a total departure from the one-China principle.

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