
2023-04-26 来源:飞速影视
Two spirits danced
on mountain tops
adorned with snow,
flower patches
and robes of stars
covering their
naked bodies
while the moonlight
cast her glory,
donning their madness,
dancing slowly
across the sky
releasing scents
of evergreen.
Crag rock, a mouse
spooked by shadow
of a white goat
that hoofed upward
when the spirits
called out his name
and offered food
only dancers,
stars, moonlight and
the cold fever
of the goat’s eyes
would recognize.
11、串句(Chain Verse)
一种比较不常见的口语化诗歌。诗歌种前一行的最后一个字为下一行的第一个字或者上一节的最后一行作为下一节的开始行(opening line )。
Nerve thy soul with doctrines noble,
Noble in the walks of time,
Time that leads to an eternal,
An eternal life sublime.
Life sublime in moral beauty,
Beautythat shall never be;
Ever be to lure thee onward,
Onward to the fountain free.
Free to every earnestseeker,
Seekerfor the fount of youth;

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