2023-04-26 来源:飞速影视
We never claim that our approach is the right one – just that it‘s ours – and over the last two decades, we’ve collected a large group of like-minded people。 Folks who find our approach energizing and meaningful。
二十、2016:永远做Day 1的公司
“Day 2是停滞不前,变得无关紧要,承受痛苦的衰退,直到死亡。这就是我们为什么要一直成为Day 1的公司。”卓越的公司一旦沦为Day 2公司可能需要数十年,尽管衰退是极其缓慢的,但最终在劫难逃。
“Day 2 is stasis。 Followed by irrelevance。 Followed by excruciating, painful decline。 Followed by death。 And that is why it is always Day 1。”To be sure, this kind of decline would happen in extreme slow motion。 An established company might harvest Day 2 for decades, but the final result would still come。
我感兴趣的问题是,我们如何避免成为Day 2?技巧是什么?即使成为一个很大的公司后,我们如何保持Day 1的活力?
Im interested in the question, how do you fend off Day 2? What are the techniques and tactics? How do youkeep the vitality of Day 1, even inside a large organization?
这类问题没有简单的答案。可能有很要素、各种路径和各种策略。我不知道所有的答案。但是我知道部分答案。这就是保持Day 1要素群:顾客至上、小心使用替代指标、拥抱外部世界的热忱和高效决策力。
Such a question can‘t have a simple answer。 There will be many elements, multiple paths, and many traps。 I don’t know the whole answer, but I may know bits of it。 Heres a starter pack of essentials for Day 1 defense: customer obsession, a skeptical view of proxies, the eager adoption of external trends, and high-velocity decision making。
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