
2023-04-26 来源:飞速影视
不准顶嘴 我是你老爸
And let me tell you something, you guys are gonna love this place.
让我来告诉你们 你们会爱上这个地方的
And you know what? I think there"s something for our fishermen up there.
知道吗? 还有个小湖供我们钓鱼
Baxter family, this is what"s called a scenic vista.
巴克斯特的家庭成员们 这才是美景
And I don"t think the big man himself could do a better job. Pretty cool, huh?
我觉得上帝能也只能做到这样了 很酷 对吧?
Hey, Dad, an iguana can stay underwater for 28 minutes.
嘿 爸爸 大蜥蜴可以在水下待28分钟
What"s that?
And a shrimp"s heart is in its head. Really?
虾的心脏是长在头上的 真的吗?
Okay, someone"s had enough Animal Planet for one lifetime.
好了 每个人一生都会有 适合自己的家园
Yeah, let"s head out! Come on. The best is yet to come!
我们去新家看看吧 走吧 去看最精彩的
Gentlemen, I have saved the best for last.
孩子们 我把最精彩的放在了最后
Look over to the right.That is your new home.
往右看 那就是你们的新家
That"s our house?
Uh-huh.I don"t remember it being this big in the brochure.
是的 宣传单子上的房子 并没有这么大啊

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