2023-04-26 来源:飞速影视
*无声无息 伺机出击*
*A secret agent slides into position*
*I"m secret agent smooth*
*And I"m secret agent sly*
*无处遁形 尽收眼底*
*And I spy what I spy with my secret agent eye*
*We do what we do*
*And we don"t ask permission*
*秘密特工 秘密使命*
*A secret agent on a secret mission*
*Secret agent*
*Secret agent*
走吧 散步时间到
Come on. Time to take a walk.
抱歉 请问我们是怎么来到这里的
Excuse me, can you tell me how we got here?
因为我要是搞明白了 我们就都能回家了
"Cause if I can figure that out, then we can all go home.
一只耳朵进一只耳朵出 我记性太差
In one ear, out the other. Door closes. Window opens.
Knock three times on the window if you want me.
在水管上敲两下 我就
Twice on the pipe and--
快走 不然我们来硬的了
Move, or we"ll help you move.
现在 犯人
Now, inmate.
糟了 101牢房有人自杀
Oh, poop. We got a Dutch act in 101.
I"ll get it.
www.fs94.org-飞速影视 粤ICP备74369512号