
2023-04-28 来源:飞速影视
How they developed 木偶如何发展演变
Very little is known about the origins of puppets. Puppets have been found in ancient Egyptian and Chinese sites and puppets were mentioned by Plato and Aristotle but we have no details about how they were used. All we know is that different cultures had them and they developed in different ways. 关于木偶的起源所知甚少。古埃及和古中国的一些遗址曾发现过木偶,柏拉图和亚里士多德也提及过木偶,但是关于木偶如何被使用,暂未找到详细资料。
The earliest puppets were probably simple shadow puppets. Later, when rods were added to give more control to the silhouettes, the three-dimensional rod puppets developed and then the types that we know today. 最早的木偶很可能是皮影戏。之后,拉杆投入使用以便能够更好控制木偶外形,三维的拉杆木偶就发展演变了,然后就有了我们今天所熟知的各种木偶。
In Britain, string puppets became very popular in the Middle Ages, when they were used in church services to illustrate Bible stories, such as the birth of Christ. It"s possible that the word "marionette" (which means "little Mary") comes from this time. The puppet shows slowly moved out of the churches and into the streets and by the sixteenth century there were puppet theatres at every country fair. The shows were popular entertainment and were often very rude and satirical. 在中世纪的英国,提线木偶流行开来。

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