
2023-04-29 来源:飞速影视
好吧,快速谈一下第二个问题,那么是什么让道德无法完全客观化?- 抱歉。是主观化。- 是什么让道德无法主观化?- 是的,就像……如果道德完全被你的道德规范所决定,那么你如何能够应用它,或它是如何实施的呢?- 好的,这也是非常好的问题。你叫什么?- 我叫阿玛蒂。
- Amady? - Yes. All right, if acting morally means acting according to a moral law out of duty and if it"s also to act freely in the sense of autonomously, it must mean that I"m acting according to a law that I give myself, that"s what it means to act autonomously.
- 阿玛蒂?- 是的。如果行为道德意味着出于职责的道德法则行动,如果行为道德也意味着自主意义上的自由行动,那这肯定意味着我在根据自己所定的法则行动,这才是自主行动的意思。
Amady is right about that. But that does raise a really interesting question.
If acting autonomously means acting according to a law I give myself, that"s how I escape the chain of cause and effect and the laws of nature. What"s the guarantee that the law I give myself when I"m acting out of duty is the same as the law that Amady is giving himself and that each of you gives yourselves?

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