
2023-04-29 来源:飞速影视
The reason we need to respect the dignity of persons is that we"re all rational beings, we all have the capacity for reason and it"s the exercise of that capacity for reason which exists undifferentiated in all of us that makes us worthy of dignity, all of us.
And since it"s the same capacity for reason, unqualified by particular autobiographies and life circumstance, it"s the same universal capacity for reason that delivers the moral law.
It turns out that to act autonomously is to act according to a law we give ourselves exercising our reason, but it"s the reason we share with everyone as rational beings, not the particular reasons we have given our upbringings, our particular values, our particular interests.
It"s pure practical reason, in Kant"s terms, which legislates a priori regardless of any particular contingent or empirical ends.

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