
2023-04-29 来源:飞速影视
方案指出,目前,我国新冠肺炎疫情防控形势发生积极向好变化(the positive trend in the epidemic prevention and control work is now expanding),不同人群心理状况也随之变化。
制定本方案的目标是,针对患者及其家属、病亡者家属、一线工作人员等重点人群,开展心理疏导、心理干预等心理服务,维护公众心理健康(maintain public mental health),促进社会和谐稳定(promote social harmony and stability)。
The work plan asked community workers to help recovered patients and their families return to their normal lives and prevent stigma around the disease.社区工作者要加强对患者家属及治愈归家患者的人文关怀,帮助患者恢复正常生活,避免他们因病受到歧视。
Social service organizations and mental health facilities should be mobilized to provide the bereaved families with social support and psychological counseling services as a way to help them handle the grief, the work plan said.通过组织动员社会工作者和专业志愿者等力量,为有心理问题的治愈患者及家属提供精神慰籍、心理抚慰、社会融入等服务。
In hard-hit regions particularly Hubei and its provincial capital Wuhan, special work teams composed of mental health professionals, social workers and volunteers should be set up for the purposes, according to the work plan.湖北武汉等受疫情影响严重地区要组建由精神卫生和心理健康专业人员、社会工作者以及志愿者等组成的服务队,对治愈隔离患者提供心理服务。

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