
2023-04-29 来源:飞速影视
【例句3】Do you like swimming
【例句4】It was the swimming they enjoyed most
【例句5】Walking, running and swimming are the best exercises you can do if you are using yourself in the correct way.
【例句6】Swimming is great exercise.
【例句7】Swimming is a good form of exercise.
【例句8】Swimming is probably the best form of exercise you can get.
【例句9】It is also ideal for swimming, and the gentle gradient of its shores makes it safe for children
【例句10】 I"ve been involved in swimming since I was six.
【例句11】Where can I go swimming?
【例句12】We went swimming in the sea on Saturday.

4. Swim趋于可数

与swimming相反,swim的“游泳动作实例”在时间上有明确起始终止时间,所以后者就可数了。这就是【例句1】的a swim的原因。
【例句13】Let"s go for a swim before dinner.
【例句14】When can we go for a swim, Mam?
因为swim是抽象名词,所以a swim可以是 an act of swimming, an instance of swimming, 甚至 a period of swimming(一段时间的游泳,不是"一个游泳周期”)。
虽然swim是抽象名词,但a swim让其具象感强化,所以就可以加修饰词(swimming很少加修饰词),看例句
【例句15】They took a short swim in the pool.

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