2023-04-29 来源:飞速影视
【例句16】We went for a swim in the lake. [因为a swim, 所以in the lake偏重修饰a swim, 而非went的状语;比较We went swimming in the lake]
【例句17】She should also have a 30-minute swim.
【例句18】How about a quick swim before breakfast?
【例句19】I had a lovely swim this morning
【例句20】This is a two-kilometre swim
【例句21】That was a long swim for a child
Swim的act of swimming之义被使用后,也有引申,即词义有a motion as of swimming; a smooth, gliding movement。
5. Swim的其它名词义项
在swim的act of swimming词义被强调之前,swim还有其它名词义项。
Swim作为动词有float(浮)的含义。普通大众经常接触到浑水,浑水放一段时间后,清澈的部分回浮在上面,所以自1540s, swim有the clear part of any liquid的语义。
虽然汉语有“水至清则无鱼”,但是若是水真的太浑浊,鱼也不好呼吸。另外有些鱼有逆流而上的特性(大马哈鱼是典型),所以swim在钓鱼这一行,也有part of a river or stream frequented by fish的含义(始于1828年),因而在这里很容易钓到鱼。如
【例句22】I selected a swim near the first spot that I had tried and again proceeded to fish a long line.
【例句23】The swims on the lake and river are all well maintained and cared for.
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