
2023-05-01 来源:飞速影视
例Under apartheid, living conditions for blacks were much worse than for whites.
The speaker compared housing discrimination to apartheid.(NDE)演讲者把住房歧视比作种族隔离制度。
With the end of apartheid in South Africa, all citizens gained the right to vote.(NED)随着种族隔离制度在南非的结束,所有公民都获得了选举权。
14. apartment /"pɑ:tmnt / n. 公寓套房
在同一座apartment building (公寓楼)里总是住着好几户人家。这些人家虽然live under the same roof (同住一楼),但又是apart(隔开住)的。这恐怕就是aparument(公寓套房)一词中的 apart 所暗含之义。在18世纪时英国人也用apartment一词,但不久即代之以flat。apartment 来自法语appartement。和apart一样,其终极词源是拉丁语 ad ‘to’和 pars ‘part"。
例The couple moved into a four room apartment on the ninth floor.那对夫妇搬进九楼的四房公寓套间。
It is cheaper to live in an apartment than to stay at a hotel. 住公寓比住旅馆便宜。
We will be renting the,apartment for a year.(OCD)这公寓套间我们将租用一年。
15. aphorism /‘frzm/ n. 格言;警句
世称“医学之父”的古希腊医师希波克拉底(Hippocrates,460?-377?BC)曾写了一本名为Aphorismoi (《格言集》)的书。书中收录的头条格言是最有名的一条,译成英语作Art is long, life is short(艺术长存,生命短暂),这一格言一直流传至今。英语中意为“格言”或“警句”的aphorism一词即源出该书名。

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