2023-05-01 来源:飞速影视
飞吧小鸟们 飞回蓝天
Fly birds, back to the sky,
We"re waiting!
回到屋檐 回到林间 回到田野
Back to the eaves and the leaves and the fields and the...
快点帮我做头发 灰姑娘
Hurry up and do my hair, Cinderella!
Are you really wearing that?
Here, I found a little tear,
灰姑娘 能拿帽子遮住吗
Cinderella! Can"t you hide it with a hat?
-你看起来美极了 -我知道
- You look beautiful. - I know.
-她是在说我 -才不是
- She means me. - No, she didn"t!
妈妈说要乖乖听话 爸爸说要待人善良
Mother said be good, father said be nice,
That was always their advice.
所以要听话 灰姑娘
So be nice, Cinderella,
要善良 灰姑娘
good, Cinderella,
-要听话 听话 善良 -紧点
- nice Good, good, nice... - Tighter!
别人都看不到 听话有什么用
What"s the good of being good if everyone is blind.
老是丢下你一个人 算了
Always leaving you behind? Never mind,
灰姑娘 好灰姑娘 听话善良听话善良
Cinderella, kind Cinderella, nice-good-nice-kind-good-nice
也不用那么紧 笨蛋
Ow! Not that tight! Clod!
-是谁在敲门 -面包都卖完了
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