
2023-05-04 来源:飞速影视
Brother Godwin has a gift.God-given.
我先失陪 大人 -好的
If you will excuse me, Lord. Of course.
爱德华 上课要迟了 来
Edward, you are late for your lessons. Come.
I hear there are ealdormen who wish you dead.
你令一位少女成了娼妓 还致她受孕
You made a whore of a young girl and left her pupped.
她不是娼妓 -坏胚子 爱德华
She is no whore. Bad Edward.
She is no whore.
我谅你不敢再说一遍 -坏胚子 爱德华
Say it again, I dare you. Bad Edward.
他叫西格 他的手下叫他布拉海尔
His name is Sigurd. His men call him Bloodhair.
得到这样的绰号 原因一定十分可怕
[Aelswith] I don"t wish to know why. Something depraved, I"m sure.
我派了人盯着布拉海尔的营地 陛下
[Uhtred] I have a man watching Bloodhair"s camp,
我好奇的是 他是不是 想拉拢你入伙 海斯顿?
but I"m curious... He didn"t ask you to join, Haesten?
是的 我回绝了 我跟你一样 宣誓效忠国王
He has. I declined. Like you, I have given my word.
我比你忠心 我皈依了国王的信仰
Unlike you, I"ve accepted the King"s missionary.
你的话完全信不过 -我不是如约休战了吗?
[Uhtred] Your word means nothing. [Haesten] Does the peace among us not hold?

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