2023-05-04 来源:飞速影视
But I make you this promise...
小到每一头牲口 大到阿尔弗雷德的王位
From the smallest pig,to the golden crown upon Alfred"s head,
韦塞克斯的一切 都将属于布拉海尔的勇士们!
Wessex and everything it holds shall belong to the warriors of Bloodhair!
第三季 第一集
[Steapa] Yes!
不是吧 又是这样!
[Steapa] No.Again!
乌特雷德 你看爱德华的剑术如何?
Uhtred, what is your opinion of Edward"s sword skill?
陛下 我看史迪亚帕在浪费时间
My opinion, Lord, is that Steapa is wasting his time.
可否详细说说? -当然 夫人
Would you care to explain? I will, Lady.
史迪亚帕 停止这无用的努力
Steapa, stop. Stop this nonsense.
不该用剑 剑法要用棍棒来教
You should not be using swords. Skills are taught with a staff.
-谢谢大人 -我喜欢刀剑的沉重感
-Thank you. -I prefer the weight of a sword.
宝剑象征王储的勇敢 -先看看再说 亲爱的
It is a sign of the atheling"s bravery. Let us watch, my dear.
使出你学到的本事 -他每天都有进步
What have you learned? He learns by the day.
母亲 不要再说了 -打给我看
Mother, please. Show me.
陛下 丹麦的卑鄙小人海斯顿来了
Lord, that grubby Dane, Haesten, is here.
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