
2023-05-04 来源:飞速影视

Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Zhao Lijian"s

Regular Press Conference on July 6, 2021


新华社记者:据报道,新加坡荣誉国务资政吴作栋日前在第九届世界和平论坛会议上指出,中国全神贯注通过经济增长来提升人民的生活素质,而非寻求在亚洲的霸权或挑战美国的全球霸主地位。中国的发展对亚洲和全世界起到积极作用。中方对此有何评论? Xinhua News Agency: Singapore"s Emeritus Senior Minister Goh Chok Tong said at the 9th World Peace Forum that "China is focused on uplifting its people through economic growth, rather than seeking hegemony in Asia or challenging the US for global dominance", and that "China"s growth is positive for Asia and the world". Would you like to comment on this? 赵立坚:
Zhao Lijian: We appreciate the positive remarks by ESM Goh Chok Tong.
习近平总书记在庆祝中国共产党成立100周年大会上庄严宣告,我们实现了第一个百年奋斗目标,全面建成了小康社会,历史性解决了绝对贫困问题。中国和世界共同发展的实践表明,我们不仅创造了中国式现代化新道路,而且也以中国的新发展为世界提供了新机遇。 General Secretary Xi Jinping declared at the ceremony marking the centenary of the CPC that we have realized the first centenary goal of building a moderately prosperous society in all respects. This means that we have brought about a historic resolution to the problem of absolute poverty in China. The journey of China"s shared development with the world shows that we have not only pioneered a new and uniquely Chinese path to modernization, but also used China"s new achievements in development to provide the world with new opportunities.

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