
2023-05-04 来源:飞速影视


Associated Press of Pakistan: Yesterday, Prime Minister of Pakistan Imran Khan visited Gwadar Port, an important component of China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC), and inaugurated several development projects to further promote economic activities. Ambassadors of seven regional countries including Saudi Arabia, UAE, Kuwait, Qatar, Egypt and Kenya also attended the event, and expressed commitment to cooperation on the development of Gwadar. Do you have any comment?
赵立坚:中方对瓜达尔港开发建设取得新进展感到高兴。我常驻巴基斯坦期间,曾经6次访问瓜达尔港,对瓜达尔港建设有很深厚的感情。瓜达尔港是中国和巴基斯坦本着平等互利原则开展的商业合作项目。在双方共同努力下,瓜达尔港港区作业能力全面恢复,自由区招商引资顺利推进,国际过境贸易不断扩大。这对促进当地经济发展、民生改善和区域互联互通发挥了积极作用。同时,瓜达尔港作为中巴经济走廊的重要组成部分,秉持共商、共建、共享和开放透明原则。中、巴双方欢迎任何支持“一带一路”和中巴经济走廊建设的第三方,在相互尊重、互利共赢、协商一致基础上参与到瓜达尔港等走廊项目中来,共享“一带一路”建设红利。相信在各方共同努力下,瓜达尔港将取得更大发展,成为地区贸易枢纽和产业合作基地,为地区发展繁荣发挥更大推动作用。 Zhao Lijian: We are pleased to see the new progress made in Gwadar Port development. While I was posted in Pakistan, I visited Gwadar Port six times, and got quite attached to the project. It is a business cooperation project between China and Pakistan based on equality and mutual benefit. With the joint efforts made by both sides, the operational capability of the port area has fully resumed. Businesses and investment are coming into the free zone, and international transit trade continues to expand. All this plays a positive role in boosting local economic development, improving people"s livelihood, and promoting regional connectivity. Meanwhile, as an important part of the CPEC, Gwadar Port follows the principles of consultation and collaboration for shared benefits, openness and transparency. China and Pakistan welcome any third party who supports the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) and CPEC to take part in the Gwadar Port and other corridor projects on the basis of mutual respect, win-win cooperation and consensus through consultation to share the dividends of the BRI. I"m convinced that with concerted efforts, Gwadar Port will achieve further progress, become a regional trading hub and industrial cooperation base and play a greater role in promoting regional development and prosperity.

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