
2023-05-04 来源:飞速影视
CRI: The 47th session of the Human Rights Council held a few days ago an interactive dialogue with the Special Rapporteur on the promotion and protection of the right to freedom of opinion and expression. China delivered a joint statement on the harm of disinformation on behalf of a group of countries. I wonder if you have any further comment about the issue of disinformation?
Zhao Lijian: As the novel coronavirus rages on in many parts of the world, the political virus also seems to be spreading. Certain countries and forces, based on ideological bias and driven by selfish political gains, keep spreading disinformation, lies and rumors to attack and malign other countries. They are not just highly prolific, but have even blazed a professional trail by putting in place a rumor-mongering chain with so-called revelations by academics followed by media hype-up and leading to government actions. This works like a busy assembly line producing endless pretexts to meddle in other countries" internal affairs, impose unilateral coercive measures and suppress and contain others. The false allegations of "genocide" and "forced labor" in Xinjiang are typical examples of how they spread disinformation and attempt to use it to hold China down.

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