2023-05-04 来源:飞速影视

总台央视记者:据报道,此前,美国哥伦比亚大学微生物学和免疫学教授拉卡尼洛接受采访时称,美国上届政府之所以希望在新冠肺炎疫情溯源问题上掀起波澜,是想把这个问题加上政治色彩。他们完全没有考虑到科学。所谓实验室的故事已经结束了!中方对此有何评论? CCTV: It is reported that Vincent Racaniello, a professor of microbiology and immunology at Columbia University, said in an interview that the former US administration wanted to hype up the issue of COVID-19 origins study because it meant to politicize the issue and was "not thinking about the science". He also said that "the lab story is over". Do you have any comment? 赵立坚:
中方多次强调,溯源是科学问题,应由全球科学家合作开展有关工作。一段时间以来,我们遗憾地看到,一些科学家秉持客观公正立场和科学精神进行溯源研究,却遭遇到政治压力、谩骂甚至威胁。公开反对“实验室泄漏”阴谋论的美籍病毒学家拉斯姆森不断遭到网络暴力、骚扰甚至人身威胁;曾在武汉病毒研究所工作并以亲身经历驳斥“实验室泄漏”论的澳籍科学家安德森频遭恶意辱骂和恫吓;诺贝尔奖得主、澳籍免疫学家多尔蒂表示,科学家只要与阴谋论虚构的论调相矛盾,就会被冠以“极左”标签,甚至遭到诽谤。 Zhao Lijian: China has repeatedly said that the origin-tracing is a scientific matter that requires international cooperation by scientists across the globe. Regrettably, for quite some time, we have seen that scientists uphold the spirit of objectivity, impartiality and science in origin-tracing study have come under political pressure, verbal abuse and even threats. Angela Rasmussen, an American virologist who openly opposes the conspiracy theory of "lab leak", has suffered from constant cyber violence, harassment and even physical threats. Danielle Anderson, an Australian scientist who once worked at the Wuhan Institute of Virology and refuted the "lab leak" theory with her own experience, was subjected to frequent malicious abuse and intimidation. Peter Doherty, a Nobel Prize-winning Australian immunologist, said scientists who contradict the false claim of conspiracy theories are labeled "far-leftists" and even vilified.
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