
2023-05-04 来源:飞速影视
将溯源问题政治化的行径只会严重阻碍全球溯源合作,破坏全球抗疫努力,导致更多的生命损失。有关国家应该端正态度,尊重科学,立即停止对科学家的胁迫,停止把溯源问题政治化的行径,不要为一己之私破坏国际社会团结抗疫的共同事业。 Politicizing the issue of origin-tracing will only seriously hamper global cooperation in this regard, undermine global efforts to fight COVID-19 and cost more lives. Relevant countries should adopt the right attitude, respect science, immediately stop coercing scientists, stop politicizing origin-tracing, and stop undermining international solidarity and concerted efforts to fight the epidemic out of selfish interests.

彭博社记者:据共同社报道,日本副首相麻生太郎表示,如果发生重大问题,日本和美国将不得不共同防卫台湾。中国入侵台湾可以被视作一种“存亡危机事态”,这使得日本可以行使集体自卫权。外交部有何评论? Bloomberg: Japan"s Deputy Prime Minister Taro Aso said that Japan and the US would have to defend Taiwan together in the event of a major problem. He said an invasion of Taiwan by China could be seen as an existential threat, allowing Japan the right to collective self-defense. This is according to a report from Kyodo News. Does the foreign ministry have any comment on this? 赵立坚:

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