
2023-05-04 来源:飞速影视
上述事实让我们越来越清楚地看到,美国等个别国家所谓的溯源研究,实际上就是在搞政治操弄,为了甩锅推责、抹黑中国无所不用其极,甚至不惜将黑手伸向科学领域,对科学家搞起党同伐异的噤声运动。这些国家总是自诩为“民主灯塔”“人权模范”,一贯到处指指点点,动不动就指责他国胁迫压制、侵犯自由。然而,对这种明目张胆威胁人身和损害名誉的行径,他们却默许、纵容甚至煽动。这只能说明他们的自我标榜并不真实,只能说明他们的阴谋图谋不能见光,只能说明他们为政治私利可以不顾一切。 The above facts make it more clear that the so-called "origin-tracing study" by a handful of countries, such as the US, is actually political manipulation. They spare no effort to shirk responsibilities and denigrate China. They even extend their evil tentacles to the field of science to silence dissenting views. These countries, claiming to be "beacons of democracy" and "shining examples of human rights", are in the habit of pointing fingers and willfully accusing other countries of coercion, repression and violation of freedoms. However, their acquiescence, connivance and even instigation of such blatant acts of physical threats and defamation only serve to show that they are not what they claim to be. In fact, they have sinister schemes that cannot be brought to light, and they are willing to do whatever it takes for selfish political gains.

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