2023-05-20 来源:飞速影视
烘焙;烘干【单词】relies 原型:rely [ri-"lahy][r"la] vi. 依靠;信任【单词】generation [jen-uh-"rey-shuhn][den"ren] n. 产生【单词】steam [steem][stim] n. 蒸汽;水汽;蒸汽动力

Then you don"t want to wait forever, so you want to go well above 100C.【译】一般你不想等得太久,所以你希望温度远高于100摄氏度。【单词】wait [weyt][wet] v. 等;等待【单词】forever [fawr-"ev-er][fr"ev] adv. 永远
If you want browning you need the food to get up to about 150C, so you want the oven even more than that.【译】如果你想要将食物烧成褐色,你需要温度达到150摄氏度左右,所以会想要能达到比这更高温度的烤箱。【单词】oven ["uhv-uhn]["vn] n. 烤箱;烤炉
Above about 250C things start going haywire……paper (like muffin cups) starts to char, things go from browning to burning, and you ruin the outside before the heat can propagate to the middle.【译】温度超过250摄氏度,东西就开始乱七八糟了……纸(比如松饼杯)会开始烧焦,东西从褐色变到烧焦,在热量传播到食品内部之前,你就会破坏食品的外表。【单词】haywire ["hey-wahyuhr]["hewa] adj. 乱七八糟的;失去控制的;故障的【单词】muffin ["muhf-in]["mfn] n. 松饼【单词】char [chahr][tɑ] v. (使)烧成炭;
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