
2023-05-21 来源:飞速影视
Now water can flow
or it can crash
Be water, my friend.
You are probably familiar with this poem that is the philosophy of water and that the late and great Chinese Icon Bruce Lee believed in. Like Lee, I also subscribe to this school of thought because we are all like water. We can flow freely in life or we can crash and be destroyed.
Ni Hao! My name is Stephon Marbury.
For those of you who do not know me, I am a former NBA and CBA player, entrepreneur, philanthropist, current CBA head coach and an eternal student of life.
I was hesitant about coming here today to do this Talk. I was unsure because I thought you might think it odd that I, a native of the West I am from the United States of America would come to speak with you about the philosophy of a legend from the Far East.

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