
2024-06-16 来源:飞速影视
The liveliness of the ball kept on increasing. A long murmur, like a dull buzzing, escaped from every chest. They danced - really danced. The feet twinkled with increasing frenzy. The faces became as purple as those of Silenus. The eyes shone like carbuncles. The general intoxication rose to the highest pitch.
And when the orchestra thundered out the waltz in Der Freyschutz - when this waltz, so German, and with so slow a movement, was attacked with wild arms by the musicians—ah! it was no longer a waltz, it was an insensate whirlwind, a giddy rotation, a gyration worthy of being led by some Mephistopheles, beating time with a fire-brand! Then a gallop, an infernal gallop, which lasted an hour wit-bout anybody"s being able to stop it, whirled off, in its windings, across the halls, the drawingrooms, the ante-chambers, up and down the staircases, from the cellar to the garret of the wealthy mansion, the young men and young. girls, the fathers and mothers, people of every age, of every weight, of both sexes: Collaert, the fat banker, and Mevrouw Collaert, and the counsellors, and the magistrates, and the chief justice, and Niklausse, and Mevrouw Van Tricasse, and the Burgomaster Van Tricasse, and the Commissary Passauf himself, who never could recall afterwards who had been his partner on that intoxicated evening. But she did not forget! And ever since that day she had seen in her dreams the fiery commissary, enfolding her in an impassioned embrace! And "she"- was the amiable Tatanemance!

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