
2024-06-16 来源:飞速影视
今日推荐:《喀尔巴阡古堡,牛博士》 作者:王勋;纪飞。搜索书名开始观看吧~


Raoul, instead of slowly raising the curtain, tears it apart with a superb gesture and finds himself confronting Valentine.
At last! It is the grand duet, and it starts off allegro viace. Raoul does not wait for Valentine to plead, and Valentine does not wait for Raoul to respond.
The fine passage beginning, "Danger is passing, time is flying," becomes one of those rapid airs which have made Offenbach famous, whenever he composes a dance for any conspirators whatever. The andante amoroso, "Thou hast said it, aye, thou lovest me," becomes a real vivace furioso, and the violinccllo ceases to imitate the inflections of the singer"s voice, as indicated in the composer"s score. In vain Raoul cries, "Speak on, and prolong the ineffable slumber of my soul." Valentine cannot "prolong." It is clear that an unaccustomed fire is devouring her. Her high notes, those above the sstave, become dreadfully shrill. She struggles, she gesticulates, she seems to be on fire.

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