
2024-06-16 来源:飞速影视
The alarm is heard; the bell resounds; but what a furious bell; The bell-ringer has clearly lost his self-control. It is a frightful toscin, which struggles violently against the fury of the orchestra.
Finally the stretto which ends this magnificent act, beginning, "No more love, no more intoxication, O the remorse that oppresses me!" which the composer marks allegro con moto, becomes a frantic prestissimo. Anyone would think an express train were whirling by. The alarm resounds again. Valentine falls in a faint. Raoul hurls himself Out of the window.
It was high time. The orchestra, really intoxicated, could not have gone on. The leader"s baton is nothing now but a stick, a broken stick, on the prompter"s box. The violin strings are snapped, and the necks of the Violins are twisted. In his fury the drummer has burst his drum. The counter-bassist has perched on the top of his sonorous monster. The first clarionet has swallowed the reed of his instrument, and the second hautboy is chewing his keys. The groove of the trombone is strained, and finally the unhappy horn-player cannot withdraw his and from the bell of his horn, into which he has thrust it too far.

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