
2024-06-16 来源:飞速影视
But the most astounded personage in the town was Van Tricasse the burgomaster. Next morning, on waking, he could not find his wig. Lotchè looked everywhere for it in vain. The wig had stayed on the field of battle. As for having it publicly claimed by Jean Minstrol, the town-crier-no, that wouldn"t do. Better to lose the wig than to advertise himself in this way-he who had the honour to be the first magistrate of Quiquendone!
The worthy Van Tricasse stretched out between his sheets, with bruised body, heavy head, furred tongue, and burning breast, was also thinking things over. He felt no desire to get up; on the contrary; and his brain worked more that morning than it had done during the last forty years. The worthy magistrate recalled all the incidents of the incomprehensible performance. He connected them with the events which had taken place a little earlier at Doctor Ox"s reception. He tried to think out the causes of the singular excitability which, on two occasions, had broken out among the foremost citizens of the town.

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