
2024-06-16 来源:飞速影视
"What can be going on?" he wondered. "What bewildering spirit has taken possession of my peaceable town of Quiquendone? Are we all going mad, and do we have to make the town one mental home? For yesterday we were all there, notables, counsellors, judges, lawyers, doctors, school-masters; and all, if my memory serves me, —all of us were assailed by this attack of furious madness! But what was there in that infernal music? It"s quite inexplicable! For I certainly hadn"t eaten or drunk anything which could put me into such a state. No; yesterday all I had for dinner was a slice of overdone veal, several spoonfuls of Spinach with sugar, eggs, two glasses of watered bee—that couldn"t get into my head! No! There"s something here which I can"t possibly explain, and as, after all, I am responsible for the con- duct of the citizens, I must hold an investigation."
But the investigation, though agreed upon by the municipal council, produced no result. If the facts were clear, the causes escaped the sagacity of the magistrates. Besides, peace had been restored in the public mind, and with it came forgetfulness of the strange scenes at the theatre. The newspapers avoided mentioning them, and" the account of the performance which appeared in the Quiquendone Memorial made no allusion to this behaviour on the part of the entire audience.

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