
2024-06-16 来源:飞速影视
With what enthusiasm these words, so new to Ouiquendonian ears, were greeted, may be sunnised, but Cannot be told. All the auditors rose, their arms upraised, and demanded war with loud cries. Never had the lawyer Sehut achieved such a success.
The burgomaster, the couhsellor, all the notabilities present at this meeting, would have in vain attempted to resist the popular outburst. But they-never wished to do so, and they cried as loud, if not louder, than the others;
"To the frontier! To the frontier!"
As the frontier was only two miles from the Walls of Quiquendone, the Virgamenians certainly ran a real danger, for they might easily be invaded without having had time to look about them.
Meanwhile, Josse Liefrinck, the worthy chemist, who alone had preserved his senses on this grave occasion, tried to make his fellow citizens comprehend that they lacked rifles, cannon, and generals.
They replied to him, not without many impatient gestures, that these generals, these cannons, these rifles and guns would be improvised; that the justice and love of country were enough to render a people irresistible.

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