
2024-06-16 来源:飞速影视
We"ll take revenge at the proper time" was the only comment of simply Natalis Van Tricasse, the thirty-second predecesso of the burgomaster of this story, "and the Virgamenians will lose nothing by waiting."
The Virgamenian had been warned. They waited thinking, not unreasonably, that the remembrance of the offence would fade away with the lapse of time; and really, for several centuries, they had lived on good terms with their neighbours of Quiquendone.
But they counted without their hosts, or rather without this strange epidemic, which, radically changing the character of the Quiquendonians, aroused their dormant vengeance.
It was at the caub in Monstrelet Street that the truculent orator, Schut, abruptly introducing the subject to his audience, inflamed them with the expressions and metaphors used on such occasions. He recalled the offence, the injury Which had been done to Quiquendone, and which a nation "jealous of its rights" could not admit as a precedent; he showed the insult to be still existing, the wound still bleeding; he spoke of certain special nods made by the people of Virgamen, which indicated in what degree of contempt they regarded those of Quiquendone; he appealed to his fellowcitizens, who, unconsciously perhaps, had sup ported this mortal insult for long contaries; he adjured the "children of the ancient town" to have no other purpose than to obtain a substantial reparation. And, lastly, he made an appeal to "all the living energies of the nation!"

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