
2024-07-04 来源:飞速影视
韩国新一社记者:第一个问题,中美元首通话就朝鲜半岛问题交换意见之际,朝鲜成功试射新型高超音速弹道导弹。中方对此有何评论?第二个问题,在韩国自然繁育诞生的大熊猫“福宝”即将回到中国。发言人对此有何评论? News 1 Korea: First question, as the Chinese and US presidents spoke on the phone and exchanged views on Korean Peninsula issues, the DPRK successfully test-fired a new type of hypersonic ballistic missile. What is China’s comment on this? And the second question, the giant panda Fu Bao, who was naturally bred and born in the ROK, will return to China soon. Can I have your comment?
汪文斌:关于第一个问题,我们已经介绍了相关情况。关于半岛问题,中方立场是一贯的。关于相关发射活动,我们没有新的评论。 Wang Wenbin: On your first question, we have shared relevant information. China’s position on the Peninsula issues is consistent. We have no other comment to add with regard to the relevant firing activity.
关于第二个问题,大熊猫是深受世界人民喜爱的珍稀濒危野生动物,是传递中国人民友谊的友好使者。2016年,中韩双方正式开启大熊猫保护合作研究项目。大熊猫“园欣”和“华妮”自抵达韩国后,双方在大熊猫饲养繁育、科学研究、技术交流及增进中韩人民之间的相互了解和友谊方面取得了丰硕的成果。根据中韩双方签署的合作协议规定,“福宝”将于今天启程返回中国,我们欢迎“福宝”回国,也感谢韩方饲养员对“福宝”的精心照料。 On your second question, giant pandas are a precious endangered wild species and are loved by people around the world. They are emissaries of friendship from the people of China. China and the ROK officially launched the joint research project on giant panda conservation in 2016. Since the giant pandas Yuan Xin and Hua Ni arrived in the ROK, the two sides have had fruitful cooperation in the raising and breeding, scientific research and technology exchanges with regard to giant pandas, which helped enhance mutual understanding and friendship between the people of the two countries. In accordance with the cooperation agreement signed between China and the ROK, Fu Bao will start her journey back to China today. We welcome Fu Bao’s return and express our thanks to Fu Bao’s caretakers in the ROK.

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