
2024-07-04 来源:飞速影视
法新社记者:今天上午,台湾海域发生7.5级地震造成多人伤亡。国台办表示,大陆有关方面高度关注灾情,愿意为台湾人民提供救灾协助。请问截至目前,台湾相关机关对此有无回应? AFP: A magnitude 7.5 earthquake hit the waters near Taiwan this morning, causing heavy casualties. The Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council said that the Chinese mainland is paying close attention to the disaster and would like to provide disaster relief to the people in Taiwan. Is there any response so far from relevant departments of Taiwan?
汪文斌:建议你向主管部门了解。 Wang Wenbin: I’d refer you to competent authorities.
路透社记者:菲律宾国家安全委员会发言人马拉亚周三称,菲律宾坚持其在仁爱礁问题上的立场,不会停止向菲“坐滩”军舰驻守士兵提供补给的任务。中方对此有何评论? Reuters: Jonathan Malaya, the spokesperson of the National Security Council, said on Wednesday that the Philippines is committed to maintaining its position at the Second Thomas Shoal and there will be no let up in resupply missions to Filipino soldiers stationed on the grounded worship there. Does China have any comment on this?
汪文斌:我们已经多次阐明中方相关立场。我愿重申,当前中菲涉海争议升温的根源在于菲方依仗外部力量支持,违背承诺,反复挑衅。菲方应当立即停止侵权挑衅行径,遵守自己的承诺和中菲之间达成的有关谅解和共识,遵守中国和东盟国家共同签署的《南海各方行为宣言》规定,回到通过对话协商妥善管控局势的正确轨道上来。中方维护自身领土主权和海洋权益的决心坚定不移。 Wang Wenbin: We have made clear China’s position on the issue many times. Let me say again that what caused the maritime disputes between the two countries to heat up is that the Philippines, backed by external forces, has been going back on its words and provoking China. The Philippines needs to immediately stop violating China’s sovereignty and provoking China, honor its commitments, act on the understandings and consensus between the two sides, observe the Declaration on the Conduct of Parties in the South China Sea jointly signed by China and ASEAN countries, and return to the right track of properly managing the situation through dialogue and consultation. China remains unwavering in safeguarding our territorial sovereignty and maritime rights and interests.

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