
2024-07-04 来源:飞速影视
彭博社记者:据报道,美国正在要求韩国效仿美国对中国实施半导体技术出口管制。这是拜登政府以国家安全为由加大力度挫败中国芯片雄心的又一个迹象。外交部对此有何回应? Bloomberg: The US is asking South Korea to adopt curbs on chip technology exports to China similar to those that Washington has already implemented. This appears to be another sign that the Biden administration is stepping up efforts to thwart China’s chip ambitions for what it says are national security concerns. Does the Foreign Ministry have any response to this?
汪文斌:我不了解有关情况。中方一贯认为,国与国之间开展贸易科技合作应当有利于维护全球产供链稳定畅通,维护自由开放的国际经贸秩序,不应针对第三方或损害第三方利益。美方为维护自身霸权,将经贸科技问题政治化、工具化、武器化,为此不惜牺牲盟友利益。 Wang Wenbin: I do not have knowledge of that. We always believe that trade and technology cooperation between countries should be conducive to keeping the global industrial and supply chains stable and unimpeded and to upholding the free and open international trade order, and such cooperation should not target any third party or harm the interests of any third party. To maintain its hegemony, the US has been politicizing trade and sci-tech issues and using them as a weapon and a tool, even if it means hurting the interests of its allies.

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