
2024-07-04 来源:飞速影视
汪文斌:菲律宾方面一再指责中国“以大欺小”,而对其非法侵占、侵犯中国南沙群岛领土的行径只字不提,这才是真正的“宣传陷阱”。仁爱礁问题不是谁大谁小的问题,而是孰是孰非的问题。 Wang Wenbin: The Philippines keeps accusing China of “intimidating smaller countries” without mentioning at all the Philippine occupation of and encroachment on China’s territory in Nansha Qundao. That is a real propaganda “trap”. The Ren’ai Jiao issue is not a case of the big bullying the small but unfulfilled promises and deliberate provocations.
菲方军舰1999年在仁爱礁非法“坐滩”,严重侵犯中方主权,中方立即向菲方提出交涉,菲方也多次承诺拖走该舰。菲律宾外交部高官还明确表示,菲方无意在仁爱礁上修建设施,不会也不愿成为第一个违反《南海各方行为宣言》的国家。但25年过去了,菲方不仅未履行承诺把军舰拖走,还企图运送用于大规模维修加固军舰的建筑物资,以期在仁爱礁上建设永久设施。菲方背信弃义、滋事挑衅,不仅违背中菲就管控仁爱礁问题达成的谅解,也违背《南海各方行为宣言》,特别是第五条关于不在无人居住的岛、礁、滩、沙上采取居住行动的规定,菲方对近期南海局势紧张负有不可推卸的责任。 Right after the Philippines deliberately grounded its warship on Ren’ai Jiao in 1999, which seriously violated China’s sovereignty, China made démarches to the Philippines, and the Philippines promised to tow away the warship several times. A senior official of the Philippine Department of Foreign Affairs made it clear that the Philippines had no intention of building any facility on Ren’ai Jiao and it doesn’t want to and will not be the first country to violate the Declaration on the Conduct of Parties in the South China Sea (DOC). But 25 years on, not only hasn’t the Philippines fulfilled its promise to tow away the warship, it has even attempted to send construction materials for large-scale repair and reinforcement of the warship in order to build permanent structures on Ren’ai Jiao. The Philippines has gone back on its words, and stirred up trouble to provoke China. This is not only a breach of the understandings between the two sides on handling the Ren’ai Jiao issue, but also a violation of the DOC, especially its Article 5 on refraining from action of inhabiting on the presently uninhabited islands, reefs, shoals, cays, and other features. The Philippines is clearly responsible for the current tensions in the South China Sea.

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