
2024-07-04 来源:飞速影视
长期以来,中国和东盟国家坚持由直接当事国通过对话协商妥善管控争议,坚持中国和东盟国家共同努力维护南海和平稳定,这有效维护了南海局势的总体稳定。但近一个时期,菲律宾极力拉拢域外势力介入南海事务,为其侵权挑衅行径撑腰打气。菲方这种为一己之私、不惜破坏地区国家共识的行为,是导致南海局势扩大化、复杂化的主要根源。 China and ASEAN countries have long been committed to properly managing and resolving disputes through dialogue and consultation between states directly involved, and worked together to jointly maintain peace and stability in the South China Sea, which has kept the South China Sea generally stable. But for some time, the Philippines has been pulling non-regional actors into the South China Sea affairs to back the Philippines" provocations and violation of China’s sovereignty. The Philippines has been pursuing selfish gains at the expense of the consensus reached by countries in the region. This is the main reason why the situation in the South China Sea has escalated and become more complicated.
我们再次敦促菲方尊重事实,遵守中菲之间达成的有关谅解,遵守《南海各方行为宣言》的规定,遵守中国和东盟国家达成的共识,尽快回到通过对话协商妥善管控分歧的正确轨道上来。 We once again urge the Philippines to respect the facts, observe the relevant understandings between the two sides and DOC provisions, follow the consensus reached between China and ASEAN countries, and return to the right track of properly managing and resolving disputes through dialogue and consultation as soon as possible.

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