
2024-07-04 来源:飞速影视
朝鲜半岛问题延宕多年,病根是清楚的。当务之急是停止威慑施压,摆脱轮番升级的对抗螺旋。根本之道是重启对话谈判,解决各方尤其是朝鲜方面的合理安全关切,推动半岛问题的政治解决进程。东北亚生乱生战,对谁都没有好处。半岛问题的核心是美朝矛盾,解决问题的钥匙在美方手中。 The Korean Peninsula issue has dragged on for years, and its root cause is clear. The imperative now is to desist from acts of deterrence and applying pressure, and move out of the spiral of escalating confrontation. The fundamental solution lies in resuming dialogue and negotiation; addressing the legitimate security concerns of all parties, especially those of the DPRK; and advancing the political settlement of the Korean Peninsula issue. Turbulence and fighting in Northeast Asia will be in no one’s interest. The core of the Korean Peninsula issue lies in the conflict between the US and the DPRK, and it is the US who holds the key to the issue.
总台央视记者:4月2日,菲律宾防长特奥多罗发表公开信称,中方将围绕仁爱礁的争论焦点集中在所谓承诺上,从而转移外界对其继续在菲专属经济区进行“非法活动”的注意力,这是中方的“宣传陷阱”。发言人对此有何回应? CCTV: In an open letter published on April 2, Philippine Defense Secretary Gilberto Teodoro Jr. pointed to the “trap” set by Chinese propaganda of refocusing the debate on a so-called promise while deflecting attention away from China’s government, thereby freeing and allowing them to continue with their illegal activities in the Philippines’ exclusive economic zone. What’s your comment?

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