
2024-07-04 来源:飞速影视
中方明确指出,香港是中国的香港,香港事务纯属中国内政。完成香港基本法第二十三条立法,是香港特别行政区维护国家安全的宪制责任,有利于保护香港全体居民的根本福祉,有利于保护世界各国投资者的在港利益,丝毫不会减损香港居民依法享有的各项权利和自由。美方应该尊重中国主权和香港法治,不得干扰,更不得干涉。 The Chinese side stated clearly that Hong Kong is China’s Hong Kong, and Hong Kong affairs are purely China’s internal affairs. Completing the legislation on Article 23 of the Basic Law of Hong Kong is the constitutional responsibility of the Hong Kong SAR for safeguarding national security. It will help protect the fundamental wellbeing of all Hong Kong residents, as well as the interests of investors from all over the world in Hong Kong. It will not at all undermine the rights and freedoms that Hong Kong residents enjoy in accordance with the law. The US needs to respect China’s sovereignty and the rule of law in Hong Kong, and should not disrupt, still less interfere in the process.
中方强调,新疆、西藏问题都是中国内政。人权不是哪个国家的专利,中国高度重视保护人权。一国人权怎么样,各自人民最有发言权。中方愿在相互尊重的前提下就人权问题同美方进行交流,但是坚决反对以人权为借口干涉中国内政。 The Chinese side stressed that issues related to Xinjiang and Xizang are China’s internal affairs. No country has a monopoly on human rights. China attaches great importance to the protection of human rights. The people of a country are best positioned to judge the human rights conditions of the country. China would like to engage in exchanges with the US on human rights on the basis of mutual respect, but we firmly oppose interference in China’s internal affairs under the pretext of human rights.

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