
2024-07-04 来源:飞速影视
关于乌克兰危机,中方的立场是一贯、明确、透明的。这场危机存在进一步恶化升级的危险,应该推动降温,通过谈判,而不是由枪炮来结束这场战争。政治解决不是让谁赢谁输,而是让和平胜出。中方将继续为此发挥建设性作用。中国不是乌克兰危机的制造者和当事方,没有向冲突任何一方提供致命性武器装备。我们没有也不会做从中渔利的事情。其他国家不要抹黑攻击中俄正常的国家关系,不要损害中国和中国企业的正当权益,更不要无端向中方甩锅推责,挑动阵营对抗。 On the Ukraine crisis, China’s position has been consistent, clear and transparent. There is a risk that the crisis will further deteriorate and escalate, and efforts should be made toward deescalation to bring the conflict to an end through negotiation rather than fighting. There should be no winner and loser in a political settlement. Rather, it should be peace that prevails. China will continue to play a constructive role to that end. China is neither the one that created the conflict nor a party to it, and has never provided lethal weapons or equipment to any party. We did not and will not seek gains from the conflict. Other countries should not smear and attack normal relations between China and Russia, should not undermine the legitimate rights of China and Chinese companies, and should not shift blame to China wantonly and provoke camp confrontation.

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