
2023-04-25 来源:飞速影视
三是动力强。此次会议通过了《关于加强澜湄国家可持续发展合作的联合声明》、《关于深化澜湄国家地方合作的倡议》和《关于在澜湄合作框架下深化传统医药合作的联合声明》等共识文件。中方还散发了《中国相关省区市与湄公河国家地方政府合作意向清单》和《中方推进澜湄流域经济发展带与“陆海新通道”对接初步举措》等清单。六国商定将继续深化抗疫合作,共促疫后复苏,拓展水资源、地方务实合作,促进民心相亲,共同保持澜湄合作强劲势头,实现互惠互利和共同繁荣。 Third, strong impetus. This meeting adopted consensus-based documents including the Joint Statement on Enhancing Sustainable Development Cooperation of the Lancang-Mekong Countries, the Initiative on Deepening Cooperation among Local Governments of Lancang-Mekong Countries, and the Joint Statement on Deepening Cooperation on Traditional Medicine Within the Framework of Lancang-Mekong Cooperation. Besides, China circulated the List of Areas and Projects for Intended Cooperation with Local Governments of Mekong Countries Proposed by Relevant Chinese Provinces and Municipalities and list of initial measures taken by China to promote synergy between Lancang-Mekong Economic Development Belt and the New International Land-Sea Trade Corridor. The six countries agreed to continue to deepen anti-epidemic cooperation, jointly promote post-COVID-19 recovery, expand practical cooperation on water resources and at the sub-national level, advance amity among the people, and maintain the strong momentum of Lancang-Mekong Cooperation to achieve mutual benefit and common prosperity.

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